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Legacy - Night Horde SoCal 3 Page 2
Legacy - Night Horde SoCal 3 Read online
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He grinned. “I've got a better idea. Wait there.” He stalked over to where Tiny was talking to a scary-looking guy with an eyepatch. Emma couldn't hear what he said, but both Freaks threw back their heads and laughed loudly.
Borrowing Tiny's bike was a stroke of genius. Emma slipped her hands under his 'beater and grinned as they ate up the miles. She rarely got to ride with him anymore, and she'd almost forgotten just how much she loved it.
The sun was low, casting long shadows, as he pulled over and, dismounting, led her across the dunes. As soon as they were out of sight of the road, he turned and kissed her. Hard.
She moaned as, without any prompting from her, her body responded to his touch. She didn't care that beach sex always resulted with sand in places that sand had no right to be, or that in the distance, people could be seen walking their dogs through the surf. She needed him – she always needed him – she needed to feel his rough hands on smooth skin. She needed to drag her fingernails down his wonderfully broad back, and she needed his big fat cock to be deep inside her.
She'd known that having a baby who viewed sleeping as optional was going to have a detrimental effect on their sex life, but she hadn't realized just how much she'd miss those long leisurely fucks or spontaneous, noisy fucks, or even just having the energy to fuck.
Deke had clearly missed them too, as he unceremoniously unbuttoned his fly. Emma grinned and followed suit. Who needed finesse? They were horny, awake and alone, and it really didn't get any better than that.
~ oOo ~
By the time they arrived back in Bay View, the kids were all tucked up in bed and the party had stepped up a gear. Leaving Deke to check on Lottie, Emma headed out back in search of Beth. She would have liked to have stayed away longer, but it wasn't fair to her friend to expect her to take care of all the kids, and Lottie didn't always take kindly to being put to bed.
Tiny grinned as she crossed the yard. “Enjoy your ride?”
“Yeah. It was great.” She looked around. “Where's Beth?”
“Probably crashed in the twins' room. She's been awake since dawn. Your ol' man checking on the kid?” He grabbed a couple of beers from the cooler and handed her one.
“Yeah. He'll be down shortly.” She smiled. “You don't have to stand watch, Tiny. I'll be okay.”
“Worse things I could be watching, little one.” Tiny ran his finger along the scar on her cheek. “You're looking real good.”
“Tiny Taylor! Are you hitting on me?” Emma laughed and slapped his chest.
He shook his head. “Different time, different place, little one. Maybe I would.”
“Nah. You've only got eyes for Beth.”
“An' you've only got eyes for that ugly fucker back there.” He smirked and kissed her forehead. “Still gonna stay close, though. Samson would kick my ass if someone stepped outta line on my watch.” He led her to some plastic chairs close to the fire pit. “And I kinda missed that smart mouth of yours.”
“I've missed you too.”
“Well, look at you two getting cozy.” They both turned as Gloria strutted towards them. She smirked. “I hate to break up the love fest, but Vince wants a word.”
The tic in his cheek was the only thing that gave away Tiny's annoyance at the interruption. “You be okay here, little one?”
“Sure she will.” Gloria sat in the vacant chair. “I think it's time we got to know one another better, and you know how Vince hates to be kept waiting.”
As soon as Tiny had left them, Gloria turned her attention to Emma. “Where's you old man?”
“Checking on Lottie.” Emma kept her eyes fixed on the flames.
“Aw, isn't that cute. I have to say I'm impressed how quick you've got your figure back. Smart move, you don't want your guy looking elsewhere.”
“Deke wouldn't do that, no matter how I looked.” Emma forced herself to smile. “I'm naturally skinny, and I think breastfeeding helped.”
“You keep telling yourself that, darling. He's a man, and there's plenty of young pussy available. If I was you, I'd get your tits done as soon as possible. From what I hear, breastfeeding can make them sag.” She glanced down at her own silicone-enhanced breasts and smiled. “I can put you in touch with my guy. He could probably fix that scar as well. It's important to make an effort for your man.”
“I'm okay with the way I look, thanks.”
“And Samson? Don't you want to look good for him?”
“I'm pretty sure he's happy with the way I look, too.” Jesus. Beth hadn't been exaggerating. Gloria really was a class A bitch. Emma smiled. “And he hates false tits.”
If she hadn't been full of Botox, Gloria would've scowled. Instead she pulled a pack of cigarettes from her purse and offered one to Emma who shook her head. “Will you be coming to the party after the run tomorrow? I'm assuming Samson will be joining the guys.”
“I doubt it. I don't know what Deke's plans are, but I don't really do parties.”
“Oh, you really should come. Don't worry about your kid. Beth will babysit. She won't even notice another one among her brood. You have brought your property patch?”
“I don't have one.”
Gloria frowned and threw her cigarette butt into the fire. “Don‘t tell me you’re one of those 'women’s rights’ bitches. All that ‘I ain't nobody’s property’ bullshit?”
“Well we are in the twenty-first century now.”
“If you’re with Samson, you have to be a part of the club.”
“No Gloria, I don’t. I have no problem with Deke being a patch as long as it doesn’t involve me.” She looked at the women sitting next to her. “Your old man is the President, right?”
Gloria nodded proudly. “And my brother is Road Captain.”
“And I‘m guessing you‘re involved in all the fundraising events.”
“That’s right.”
“I guess you’re a pretty big fish, then.”
“I guess I am.”
“Pity it’s such a tiny pond.” Emma was in full flow now. How dare Gloria tell her how she should be living her life. “What life do you have outside of the club? Don’t tell me, it’s none, isn’t it. Well guess what, Gloria, there’s a big wide world out there.”
Gloria stood up, pointing her finger in Emma’s face. “You know nothing about me.”
“And you know nothing about me. Unlike you, I don’t define myself by what my man does. I love Deke. More than any man I’ve ever known, and I believe that we will spend the rest of our lives together…”
“Oh I doubt that’s gonna happen. Can't see him putting up with a stuck up little piece like you forever,” Gloria interrupted. She was clearly furious now.
“If Deke decided he didn’t want to be with me anymore, I would be devastated. But I would survive. I managed without him for over thirty years. I want him and I love him, but I don’t need him. And I certainly don’t need you poking your nose into my business.” She leapt to her feet and stormed into the house, leaving Gloria standing open-mouthed behind her.
The fact that she was sitting at the kitchen table rolling a cigarette was enough to tell Deke all was not well. Emma rarely smoked – just the occasional sneaky joint when Lottie was in bed – and her trembling fingers told him that she was struggling not to lose her shit. He crossed the kitchen and kissed the top of her head. “Beth don't really like folk smoking in her kitchen, baby girl.”
She shrugged. “I know, but these are extenuating circumstances. It's either smoke in here, or bury my fist in that bitch Gloria's face.”
“You wanna talk about it?” He grabbed an ashtray from the window ledge and put it in front of her, before joining her at the table.
“Not really.” Emma lit her cigarette and smoked in silence. Deke waited. She'd share when she was ready; it was clear she was angry – not upset – and she needed to get her thoughts straight. She sighed and looked up. “Do I support you enough?”
“What? Of
course you do. Is that what that bitch said?”
“Not exactly, but that's what she was implying.”
He took her hand. “Gloria believes that ol' ladies should take an active part in club life. Not that she has any choice, of course. She does as Vince tells her.”
“She doesn't strike me as the sort of woman who can be told what to do.”
“Don't judge a book by its cover, baby girl. I ain't saying she ain't a bitch – she is – but as far as Vince is concerned, that property patch means that his word is law, and he rules with his fists.”
“Wow. I feel kind of guilty now. I wasn't very nice.”
“Don't be.” He grinned. “You ripped her a new one, didn't you?”
“A little. She pissed me off. This won't blow back on you, will it?”
“Nah. Doubt she'll go running to Vince. And even if she does, I'll set him straight. What did she say?”
“It doesn't matter. She just touched a nerve, is all.”
There wasn't much that riled up his ol' lady, her serenity was one of the things he loved most about her, but she wouldn't be pushed around, and it wasn't unusual for people – himself included – to underestimate her. “You know that there's not one thing I'd change about you, baby.” He ran his thumb across her fingers and grinned. “Although, now I think about it. There is....”
“Quit while you're ahead, big guy.”
He stood and held out his hand. “Lottie's asleep. An' Tiny and Beth's guest bed is real comfortable. How about you an' me have an early night.”
“Shit!” Beth dropped the knife into the sink and ran her finger under the cold tap, hissing as the cold water hit the cut.
“Did you cut yourself, Mom?”
She forced herself to smile as she turned and looked into Abi's concerned eyes. Her eldest worried too much and would fret if she thought her mom had hurt herself. “A little bit. How about you pass me that dish towel. I don't want to drip blood on the floor.”
“Should I go get daddy?”
As much as she'd liked to have said yes – the cut was deep, and she had a feeling it might need stitching – Beth shook her head. “No, he's still asleep. I'm okay. I'll put a band-aid on it. It'll stop bleeding soon.” She took the cloth from her daughter and wrapped it around her finger, then pulled out the first aid kit. “Can you go and watch your sisters for me?” Abi nodded and trotted into the living room. As soon as she was alone, Beth unwrapped her finger and, bending over the sink, examined the wound more closely. It was deep, bleeding profusely and stung like bitch. Shit.
“Jesus, Beth. What the hell have you done?” Samson crossed the kitchen and took her hand. “I think that's gonna need stitching. He dried it carefully and began to dress it. “Let me go and wake Emma up. She can watch the kids while I'll drive you to ER. I take it Tiny's still asleep.”
“I'll be fine.” She swayed slightly as a wave of nausea hit her. “I just need to sit down for a moment.”
“That cut is nearly to the bone.” He led her to a chair. “Sit there. I'll get Emma. Or would you prefer if I gave your ol' man a kick?”
“I don't want you to wake either of them.”
“Don't much give a shit what you want, Beth. That needs stitching. You want me or Tiny to take you?”
She knew there was no point in arguing further. And quite honestly, she didn't have the energy. She didn't have the energy for much anymore. Perpetually tired had become her default setting. “Wake Joe. He can watch the kids while you take me to get this fixed up. Alice probably won't eat for someone she doesn't know. She has to take her meds in half an hour, and if she doesn't eat first she'll puke.”
~ oOo ~
Leaning her head on the passenger window, Beth closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing in her finger. Samson gently laid his hand on her thigh. “You okay?”
“You look tired, baby girl.”
She looked like shit, is what he meant. She couldn't remember what it was like to not be exhausted, to have more than a couple of hours uninterrupted sleep, or even to have just a few hours to herself. “I'm okay.”
“How about when we get back, me an' Emma take the kids out for a while. Let you get some rest.”
“What about the Veterans Run?”
“Chapter thing. I don't need to be there.”
“I don't know. Imi's a real handful and Alice...”
“Imi and Alice will be fine. We'll take them to the beach or the zoo or something. Just for a few hours. I swear on my Harley – first crisis, you can have them back.”
“Are you sure?”
“Wouldn't have offered if I wasn't, Beth. Emma loves spending time with your kids. She'll jump at the chance.”
“And you? Think you can cope with five kids under seven?”
“If I can keep a bunch of nomads in check, I reckon I can manage a handful of kids.”
“I'll remind you of that when you come back minus half your hair.” Beth smiled. “I just hope it doesn't put you off having more kids.”
“Not sure they'll be any more, baby girl. We're happy with the one we've got.”
There was something about his tone that made her open her eyes and glance at him. “Never say never, Samson.”
He shook his head but didn't reply, as he pulled onto the hospital lot. “C'mon, lets get that finger fixed.”
Deke was learning a lot today: He was learning that it was impossible to please five kids at the same time. Lottie and Alice were easy enough. His daughter slept much of the time and, when she was awake, would just babble away to herself. Alice sat next to her in the double stroller and was contented just to look at the animals. The other three were more of a challenge. Abi was happy to go along with the majority most of the time – she was pretty laid back and just wanted to stay close to Emma – but Jesus, that kid could talk. Luke had lost interest after the tigers, and spent much of his time tormenting his older sister or trying to climb into the animal enclosures, and Imogene was demonstrating, at every opportunity, what people meant by the terrible twos.
He was also learning that San Francisco zoo was too damned big. And that he really fucking hated walking, especially with a backache and a two-year-old on his hip, screaming bloody murder in his ear because she needed to go pee pee or wanted a Popsicle or whatever the fuck it was she wanted this time.
Mostly he was learning that the next time he felt sorry for his brother's ol' lady, he'd keep his stupid goddamned mouth shut.
Emma, of course, was having a ball. She was happy to chat to Abi about the giraffes and why they had long necks, or show Luke how to hang from the monkey bars in the play area. She never once complained about yet another trip to the restroom with Imi. She shared an ice cream with Alice and Lottie and bought sketch pads and colored crayons so they could draw pictures of the animals when they got home. As he eased himself onto the picnic bench and watched her unwrap the sandwiches, he couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. Maybe next time they'd go to the beach.
~ oOo ~
The house was quiet... Too quiet.
Ever since she was a kid, she'd hated quiet. Quiet had meant her mom hadn't come home or was unconscious. Quiet meant she was alone.
Beth dropped the last of the toys into the toy box and sank onto the sofa. There were a million and one jobs that needed doing: The pile of laundry to be sorted. The boxes that had been in the garage since they'd moved. The kids' bedrooms needed tidying. The list was endless, and every day grew a little longer. She closed her eyes. She'd make a start in a minute.
Shit! Where were the kids? It had only been a few seconds before she remembered that they were out with Samson and Emma, but her heart was beating wildly in her chest as she fought to calm herself down. The clock on the mantle told her she'd been asleep for four hours. Four hours wasted. Shit. Resisting the urge to call Emma – the kids would be fine – she dragged herself into the laundry room and began sorting throu
gh the mountain of clothes. Her finger was throbbing, but doing nothing was a luxury she couldn't afford.
“Hey, Abs. Have you had a good time?”
“Yeah. We went to the zoo. It was really cool. Do you know why giraffes have long necks? Emma told me. You want me to tell you too? An' there were baby monkeys. They were really cute. Imi wanted to cuddle one. Imi's really dumb sometimes, monkeys bite, Samson said so. Emma bought us loads of cool stuff and we had a picnic and then hot dogs on the way home. Imi wanted donuts and Samson let her have one, then she puked all over him. He got really grumpy but Emma told us to ignore him cuz it was his fault for letting her eat too much crap. Emma's really cool. She says I can go stay with them sometimes. I can can't I?” Abi turned as Samson walked in carrying a sleeping Alice. “Hey, Samson. Is my stuff in the car? I wanna show mom what I got.”
“If that's where you left it, Princess. You'd better go get it.” He watched her as she trotted out to retrieve her stuff, then turned to Beth. “Does she ever stop talking?”
“When she's asleep. Although that's not guaranteed. So how was the zoo?”
“Big.” He winced and shifted Alice onto his other hip. “Kids enjoyed it, though.”
He couldn't quite disguise the slight limp as he carried Alice to the sofa and gently put her down. She stirred and, opening her eyes, pointed to herself, crossed her fists across her heart then pointed at Samson. Beth smiled. “She says.”
“I know what she said.” He repeated the gesture and grinned. “Guess that makes the headache and backache worth it.”
“Yep. Every time.” She touched his arm. “Sit down. I'll help Emma unload the car.”
~ oOo ~
“Where the fuck's Samson?” Vince frowned and unclipped his helmet.
“Him an' his ol' lady are taking the kids out for the day.”
“I'm beginning to question his commitment to the club. He should be here, not playing fucking house
“Samson's committed, boss.” Tiny sighed. “He ain't patched in here, an' if he was really needed, he'd be here. You know that. Did you ask him 'bout Moretti?”